What’s up, buttercup?
My latest reading was for a client who had lost their love this past winter, and had experienced a few more losses of dear people and pets since then. They were overwhelmed with grief and loneliness, and even though they were experiencing moments of connection with their loved one, they were mostly feeling their absence so profoundly. The client had some desperate questions for me; “Where are they? Do they have any messages for me? How can I best honor them?”
My process when doing this work often involves keeping an open note on my phone for anything that comes through any of my Clair-senses for my clients while I am out and about living my daily mundane life. The first thing that came through for this particular client, before we even had our consultation meeting, was a single clairaudient word: “buttercup”. I asked the client during our consult if they had any association with buttercups, and they couldn’t think of one, other that they and their love had always admired nature together.
We ended our consultation with a beautiful invitation from the client to their love, to please connect with me to give me messages and insights, and ending with a heartfelt “I miss you so much”. While the client spoke these prayerful words, I had closed my eyes and placed a hand over my heart. I could feel the love in my heart chakra, and my crown chakra began to tingle and feel some energy. I just knew this special person’s spirit would connect with me for this reading.
They did indeed give me many special insights and messages for my client, including acknowledging a special connection with the times of sunrise and sunset, and making a promise to watch either or both daily together with my client. Because of this I chose to paint a sunset scene for the sacred art component of this reading, with buttercups on the frame because that was the first and strongest message I had received from this dear spirit.
The week following their reading, the client went to visit their love’s cabin. When they arrived, they stepped out to discover the land surrounding the cabin covered with “about a thousand buttercups”. This is a perfect example of how some messages and signs that come up during readings may not mean anything to the client at the time, but then serve as beautiful validations after the fact that their connection with their loved one is still very much present. The more we foster that connection and keep it present in our everyday lives, the more we receive signs and communications from our loved ones.